Les voitures sans permis electrique, roulant à une vitesse maximale de 45 km/h, nécessitent un permis AM comme pour les voiturettes à moteur thermique. Il est conditionné par l’obtention des ASSR1 et ASSR2 et une formation à la conduite d’une durée de 8 heures. Même si être titulaire du code de la route n’est pas obligatoire, vous devez bien évidemment le respecter et ne pas emprunter les voies rapides telles que l’autoroute ou les périphériques. Ces petites citadines, appelées aussi quadricycles, connaissent depuis peu un réel engouement, plébiscitées par les jeunes conducteurs et leurs parents. Elles présentent en effet de nombreux avantages pour la mobilité citadine par rapport aux deux roues et aux véhicules classiques :
- With a closed cabin, these small cars are safer than a two-wheeler such as a scooter. As quadricycles, they are much more stable than the latter.
- They are lighter and cleaner than a conventional diesel or petrol car.
- Compact, they ensure ease of movement and parking in urban areas.
- Affordable, purchase prices start at around 8,000 euros for a small vehicle such as the Tiny or the Ami from Citroen (excluding the ecological bonus).
- Finally, their design is worked on as for a thermal vehicle, and each car brand takes care of the line of their vehicles.
What is a small electric licence-free car?
The small car with AM licence electric or electric cart is a vehicle whose maximum speed is limited to 45km/h. It is generally intended urban driving i.e. in cities areas. They also have the advantage of being small in size, which makes parking them easy: parking becomes child's play. In addition, licence-free cars are lighter than conventional cars, which makes them a very energy-efficient means of transport. Finally, as they are electric, they do not produce any CO2, limiting their impact on the environment to a minimum.
La batterie de ces mini voitures électriques se recharge sur le réseau de bornes électriques. C’est là que Tiny se distingue des autres modèles concurrents. En effet, ses batteries amovibles et légères évitent la contrainte de devoir recharger sur des bornes de recharge classique. Une simple prise de courant suffit. Tiny, c’est donc une solution innovante de mobilité.
The main characteristics of a small electric car with an AM licence :
- A maximum permitted speed of 45 km/h
- A maximum capacity of 2 people, including the driver
- A displacement of 50 cm3 (internal combustion engine) or maximum power at 4KW if electric
- A maximum weight of 350 kg (empty)
- A range designed for the city, often less than 80 kilometres.
- And can be driven by anyone over the age of 14.
Who authorised licence-free cars ?
Licence free cars were created in Europe in the 1920s to compensate for the lack of protection of motorbikes against bad weather. This type of vehicle then became very popular for its practicality and price. Even James Bond is getting into it with his Micro Car. These small, convenient vehicles were also very popular with craftsmen and shopkeepers for transporting their goods.
However, small cars as we know them today in France only developed towards the end of the 1970s. Until recently, these cars were mainly intended for people without a licence or with a suspended licence. Finally, with the opening of the European market in 1992, micro-cars are subject to European regulations in an effort to achieve uniform standards.
What is the price of an free licence electric car?
The price range for licence free vehicle oscille entre 7 000 (version de base) et 25 000 euros pour les plus chères. Les prix vont varier en fonction du modèle, du confort, des équipements, design tendance, version « tech », autonomie, recharge plus rapide…. Des constructeurs connus proposent chacun leur modèle : Citroen et son Ami, Renault et sa Twizy, Aixam et sa gamme e-city, et bientôt Ligier et sa Myli.
Avec l’ambition d’être accessible à tous, Tiny fait partie des voitures sans permis les moins chères du marché en France. Son prix de départ est fixé à 8 990 euros, sur l’ensemble de notre gamme (version Rock et version Pick-up) offrant une autonomie garantie de 30 kilomètres minimum. Pour vous permettre d’en profiter, nous venons de lancer les pre-orders. à partir de 100 euros. Vous pourrez prochainement l’essayer gratuitement et vous faire un avis.
En France, des aides financières comme le bonus écologique permettent de favoriser l’achat ou la location de ce type de quadricycle. These bonuses become malus for diesel or petrol models.
What regulations apply to unlicensed cars?
To driving a licence free car, theoretical and practical training is required, called the AM licence, for people born on or after January 1988, 1st as well as a safety certificate (the ASSR s).
This certificate or ASSR is issued following theoretical training in college- which will lead to a first level road safety certificate called the ASSR1. The ASSR1 is completed by the ASSR2, obtained in the 3rd year of secondary school.-. After obtaining these diplomas, it is necessary to undergo practical training at a driving school. The training lasts 8 hours over 2 days, with a practical part and a more theoretical part related to the risks of driving in urban areas. Drivers of cars without a licence or small cars are not obliged to take the highway code test to drive a licence free car.
It is also compulsory to have civil liability insurance, which is essential in the event of damage to property or personal injury. Contact your insurance company to check that you are in order.
In addition to third party liability, you will need to take out third party or comprehensive insurance with your insurer. Do not hesitate to consult insurance company comparators to select the most suitable insurance for your needs. Items such as glass breakage, spare parts, battery, engine, equipment, etc. should be taken into account. To be sure you know everything about the subject, you can consult the public servicewhich will tell you the latest laws in force.

What is forbidden to do with an electric licence free car ?
Be aware that driving a licence free car on roads such as motorways, expressways or ring roadsis not allowed, as is a scooter. With a speed limit of 45 km/h, unlicensed vehicles are prohibited from exceeding this speed. If you do not, you are liable to a fine. As for speeding, the blood alcohol level is limited to 0.49 g/L for adults and 0.19 g/L for young drivers. It is therefore better to abstain from driving to be on the safe side and avoid any accidents.
Where to buy a small electric licence-free car ?
Tiny, our licence-free electric vehicle, can be ordered online through our Tiny pre-orders.. As soon as the production of your pre-ordered vehicle is launched, you will automatically be notified of the delivery date of your electric car. There are also many brands of licence-free cars, but not all are electric. Most electric cars require a charging station. Tiny gets around this problem with removable, lightweight batteries that are easy to recharge on its autonomous charger. A simple socket A standard household outlet is all that is needed to connect this dedicated charger.
Some car dealerships offer a wide range of new and used electric cars that meet your requirements. You can also rent a car without a licence, with a specific rental contract.
Is the technical control compulsory for electric cars without licence?
Most cars, whether electric or not, must undergo technical inspection. Until now, cars without a licence or small cars have been exempt from roadworthiness tests, but since 1 January 2009 they have had to undergo them.st January 2023.
What are the advantages of an licence-free electric car?
The advantages of an electric car without a licence are numerous. Recently, teenagers and their parents have also been seduced by their many qualities:
- Compact, licence-free cars allow easy parking on public roads. A conventional car is much larger, which makes parking more complex.
- This type of car is suitable for everyone, but also for young drivers from the age of 14.
- Clean, small electric cars have zero carbon emissions, unlike a diesel or petrol quadricycle.
- Closed, licence-free cars provide full protection from the weather. The interior enhances the safety of drivers and passengers, compared to a scooter.
- Most of the time, these mini cars are designed for 2 people, so you can share your trips.
- Electric mini-cars generally do not require regular maintenance or major repairs as is the case with combustion engine vehicles. This can greatly reduce your garage bills.
- These so-called light vehicles weigh no more than 350 kg (compared to 1500 kg for an SUV). They will therefore limit your energy consumption and be more ecological.
- Très abordables comparée à une automobile classique, ces micro-voitures sont très accessibles financièrement. Certains constructeurs automobiles proposent même de les louer à des tarifs très avantageux. En effet, ces marques comme Aixam ou Ligier proposent des équipements semblables à des quadricycles lourds : tablette de navigation, climatisation… Entre version « mini SUV », version « city » ou encore des modèles à la sauce Tesla avec version « model tech », vous en trouverez pour tous les goûts et avis !
- In addition to using public transport, microbuses can be a practical solution for travelling the last few kilometres to your workplace or home
Alors, faites de Tiny l’ami de votre quotidien !